The Sandy Museum is a historic building with two floors of displays, gift shop, and an exhibition shed outside.
8744 South 150 East
Sandy, UT 84070
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm and by appointment.
Sandy was settled by Mormon Pioneers in the 1860's. It was a farming community with few people and widely spaced homes. When mining began in the neighboring canyons and the railroad arrived in 1871, Sandy was changed from an agricultural village to a booming mining town. In 1883, with its population climbing over 1000, Sandy incorporated and passed its first ordinances. Failure of the mines in the early 1900's forced many people to leave and Sandy again became a quiet agricultural community. Subsequent growth was slow until the mid 1950's when the population began to grow rapidly through a series of land annexations. Today Sandy is a conservative suburban community with a population approaching 100,000 citizens.
In 1890, a co-op mercantile store and social hall occupied this two-story brick building owned by the Sandy Co-op Mercantile and Manufacturing Company. For several years thereafter, ownership varied from the Utah Association of Credit Men (1908), to the Mingo Lodge No. 6 Knights of Pythias (1912). Continuing its use as a lodge hall, the upper floor was also rented for other social gatherings as well. No longer visible, a "Bull Durham" sign was once painted on the vast exterior south wall. Up until 1939, the bottom floor accommodated general merchandising endeavors. At one time, its interior space included the Jenkin's Funeral Parlor.
When the Sandy Fire Department purchased a new 500 gallon ruck with 250 feet of hose in 1939, they decided to move the equipment into the building. The following year, Sandy City Corporation bought the building to use as an interim fire station until the new facility on 9000 South was completed in 1984.
The original building and its first addition are non-reinforced masonry construction. The new addition is of concrete block scored to look like older brick. Each section had been painted a light salmon brick color for a nearly continuous exterior line. The front facade remains as originally built. Three windows on the second floor are directly over the three window openings below. Most of the windows are tall and double hung. The front cornice projects outward with a band of small teeth like blocks.
Across the street, a trace of "railroad junction" remains. A bustling center of activity, it is remarkable that the Museum building has survive the vibrations of the great many passenger and freight trains that arrived to and departed town daily. Always a part of the city activities and serving the people, it seemed only natural that the building continue to sever the citizens of Sandy. On October 10, 1987, the doors of the building were once again opened to the people, this time as the Historic Sandy Museum.